=== PD2JKC ===



I will introduce myself.

My name is Johan Jörning. I was born in Amsterdam on May 18, 1960. Around the year 1970 I came into contact with transmitting on 27 MHz th rough my cousin Fred. (CB Band). After various experiments such as building antennas, etc., I became more and more enthusiastic and became a registered listening amateur with number NL9661, which opened up a world for me. After moving from Amsterdam to Valkenswaard Dommelen (1977), I expanded my hobby as a listening amateur and decided to continue as a licensed radio amateur. In the army (1978-1988) I first trained as a Radio Telephone Operator and after two years I was placed as a non-commissioned officer in an unnamed special unit. In 1988 I moved from Valkenswaard via Geldrop to Maarheeze, thus expanding amateur radio. As an antenna setup at this location, there is a VHF/UHF Diamond 10/20/40 meters, and as various shacks there is a Yaesu FT-1000MP (HF), FT-8900, Kenwood TS-480HX with various walkie-talkies, both C4FM and DMR

In 2008 I moved to Rotterdam Ombloed and after many years I received written permission to install antennas, first for the railing and after the renovation (2018) for the roof. There are several antennas set up at a height of 55 meters of antennas. The antenna setup includes a VHF/UHF Comet GP-6N and a Comet GP-98N, an ATAS 120A 10-40 meters, a Sirio Gainmaster 10 and 11 meters, and a HyEndFed multiband 10/12/15/17/20/ 30/40/80 meters.
Apart from these antennas, there are also two (dish) antennas, Ubiquiti Nanobeam for HamNet access point, a Ubiquiti Nanostation linked to a link to the remote rig, a UHF, RX repeater for PI2DFT.

As a shack a Yaesu FTDX-101D, including FT8 digital modes, Yaesu FT-991 for C4FM, FT-8900 (VHF/UHF), Yaesu FTM-400 for mobile use, Yaesu FT-857 linked to the remote rig and can be used to control the shack mobile remote control from any (international) location, but also the switching of the various antennas installed with an antenna remote SW-1289

Both locations, Maarheeze and Rotterdam Omicide, are registered with the National Digital Infrastructure Inspectorate (RDI), formerly Agentschap Telecom (AT) under registration number 7342451 and relationship no. 3340446 Both locations are also registered with the antenna register.

'73 Johan
